Thursday, August 18, 2011

My cousin is irritating me?

im on vacation in colombia sleeping in the room next to his. he comes to my room every night cuz i cant lock the door and annoys me like 5 times every night.the other night he asked me if i masturbated and he tried to tickle me and he touched my and it felt so wrong. no one wants to help me and ive already tried to prank him and he got so pissed and i asked him why he was allowed to annoy me and i wasnt allowed t annoy him. idk wat to do please help me!!!!!!!!!!!

How Do I Get My Life Back Together?

I'm an 18 year old freshmen attending a local community college. The end of high school was a good time, as I made new friends and so forth. Now it's about 2 semesters into my freshmen year at community college and things seem to be getting worse. I feel depressed, my family has noticed, and my therapist has stated that I might be possibly depressed. I hate this weather, I hate where I live: partially because i've been here my whole life, and I hate the same old everyday. I don't have a major, and even worse I have NO CLUE what I want to do with my life. I have NO CLUE of where I want to transfer, where I want to live, and what I really like. I have absolutely no talents, and no hobbies besides fitness because I simply don't want to become fat! I know I love to laugh, and be around funny people. But besides my desire to be funny and be around funny people, I can't tell you much of my desires. I am a man so I love women, though I am insecure about my size, so even when I come across a women, which I do often, I get nervous and can't receive an . Truthfully, besides the fact of being lost and depressed over my loneliness and repetitive life, I am constantly feeling saddened and not caring about anything until my medical problems are resolved. I have flat feet and it affects me each and every day mentally and physically especially. I have no energy, no motivation, and no care for anything! I feel locked in a cage with no way out. If anyone is willing to share their email that would be grate as I am desperately looking for some advice and help.

Do any of you know any guy in real life that looks like C. Thomas Howell on "The Outsiders"?

my boyfriend looks exactly like C. Thomas Howell. all my friends tease him about it but i still love him

Would using a Brita pitcher or faucet system work to prevent tear staining on dogs?

I would like to know if using a Brita for water would work to prevent tear staining on dogs? To save money on water than to buy distilled/bottled water for a dog.

What do you think of this poem I've written(I'm eighteen)?

It's not bad, but really, it doesn't matter how old you are. Crap is crap and good is good at any age.

Is There a moment if Wrestling which has made you cry?

When Eddie died. It was heartbreaking for me because he was one of my favorites at the time. Also when I heard about the Benoit case, I was so horrified at the tragic loss. I'm not old enough to remember Owen's death but hearing about it reminds me that it was devastating as well. Another tearful moment I had was HBK's goodbye speech. To see one of, if not the greatest Superstar ever leave is always heartfelt.

Is this the full version of The Great Gatsby?

It is. I read it from this exact website for school this past year and as I ped every chapter quiz. Plus, I snuck a peek at my friend's copy of the book and it had 9 chapters too, which was enough proof for me.

Solar power is key in reducing emission and hence reducing glabal warming?

solar power will meet 100% of our energy needs by about 2025, you know Moore's law, that states that computers will double their processing power every 18 months, this is a very powerful exponent. The ogy is if i gave you a cent on the first of the month, then 2 the next, then 4 the next, by the end of the month you would have over 10 million dollars, solar panels have have their own equivalent, and we're only 7 "doublings" away from them meeting 100% of our needs, and they double their performance every 2 years or so

What is this tingling in my spine?

I have this tingling on my spine that's driving me crazy. The best way Could describe it is it feels like a piece of tape is on my skin right over my spine. Its not painfull, just weird felling. I'm 23. I'm probably twenty to thirty pounds over weight but I have always been and its never bother my back so I dont know if that has somthing to do with it or not. The tingling is on my spine right in the center (not lower or upper back). Please HELP!

Describe the structure of RNA?

type of nucleic acid consisting of nucleotide monomers with a ribose sugar and the nitrogenous bases adenine, cytosine, guanine, uracil

What do you think of my tattoo idea?/Where should I get it?

Alright so I'm getting my first tattoo here soon and here's my idea. I want to get an octopus with it's tenticals wrapped around, almost transforming into the words "amor vincit omnia"(love conquers all in latin) in a cursive kind of font. I love octopi and how graceful they are. I also have 8 people (siblings and mom and dad) in my family, so i like the idea of the 8 tentacles. It's just really symbolic to me. What do you think? Also, where should I get it? I was thinking I want it medium sized, nothing too big on the back of the neck or the shoulder. But maybe on the back somewhere? (NOT lower middle back...ewww not my thing) I really like the idea of the back of the neck but I do pageants and I'm afraid it might be showing if I wear my hear up during swimsuit, and formal gown. What do you think? :) thanks!

I fell down the stairs and am worried. What happened?

I went downstairs to get tissues cuz my nose was really congested and when i went to the stairs I felt like I lost control of my legs and I ended up sliding down the stairs and when I got to the bottom, I regained control or something and the whole thing was a blur. What the hell happened? prior I was playing video games in bed and I've had a cold for the past few days. I'm 16

Pulled Muscle?

Ok,i was just rotating my rist in a relaxing motion and i felt my wrist crack,well i think thats wat happens wen u rotate ur rist,but then it started to hurt so i kept on doin the rotating motion becouse it feels good since my rist was hurting,then a day or two later my elbow starts hurting very bad but not to the extent of extreme,but today i was throwing a small ball at recess and my elbow cracked(cracking sound)and it hurts worse,it was painfull just eating at the table with my elbow rested ontop.The reason i mentioned my rist is becouse every time in push down on my rist bone it stains my elbow,and i dont want to go to a doctor becouse i have football in a couple of months and dont want to get pulled out.Did i pull somthing and how can it heal.

How can my usb flash drives be checked for a virus?

I have a 4 gb and a 16 gb flask drive. I do not own a computer. I use friend's computers and public library computers. Thus, my files are on the flash drives. How do I know I am not carrying around a virus on them?

Why do some people get mean and argumentive when you don't offer them validation to do something improper?

That's a very good question! I was seriously just wondering the same thing. I think alot of times, people will ask a question about something they know is wrong or improper or impolite, hoping to get backed up on it. Then, when they don't, they lash out!

I am very confused with DNA?

all your information is correct the only thing i would change is in your first paragraph. when you say "these nitrogenous bases are connected by hydrogen bonds", i first thought of the phosphodiester bonds and thought you were incorrect. you should say "the nitrogenous bases on opposite strands of dna are connected by hydrogen bonds". it makes more sense and good job!

Homeless folk in America; once they're homeless is that it for them, no chance of work or renting an apartment?

It's almost impossible to get out of. I know a chick, mother of two, who ended up living in her car for a few months. Eventually she got some istance and managed to get an apartment but it's still touch-and-go. She went from a well-paid professional job to minimum-wage telemarketing, and her homelessness had a lot to do with that.

Who do i start?? -- I need 3 out of 4 WR?

obviously you start plex (maybe the best in the league) and Roy, then I would go with Holmes only becasue tennese got a good D. thankyou for your time

Why does a .01M H2SO4 solution has a different pH than a .01M HCl solution?

H2SO4 dissociates 2 H+ ions, compared to 1 H+ ion from HCl. pH is equal to -log[H+], so you can see how they would have different pH values.

Effusion/Diffusion chemistry question?

Explain how changes in atmospheric pressure affect the height of the column of mercury in a barometer.

I can no longer listen to Sirius (via internet) at work. Help!?

I used to be able to listen to my Sirius through the web but they started blocking the site about a month ago by using WebSense. Does anybody know a work around or another way of listening? I hate not listening to Howard every morning. Thanks!

What's The Ultimate Teaser? ?

Guys; what is the ultimate teaser that your ladies torture you with when kissing/fooling around? And if you haven't experienced it, whats something that you imagine a girl doing to drive you wild, but in a REALLY GOOD WAY??

Power is in the socket but lamp doesn't light up?

I have two sockets that have power in them.I tested with a tester and power is there. I also tested the junction box to which these sockets are connected and that also has power. If I plug a lamp in either of these sockets, it would not light up. The lamp lights up when connected to other sockets. I think ( I may be wrong) there may be some loose connection somewhere that when the lamp is connected and it draws current, that loose connection can't provide enough power. Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.

What's the best way to reduce the water current in my tank?

Hi, there really isn't a way of slowing your filter motor down, the NEW model does not have the adjustable flow feature the older one did, so the next best thing is to divert the return water flow. You can put something under the return water flow to displace the current, I would place it in such a way that the water would flow onto the back panel or across the surface, these would both cause a circular current within the tank keeping particle matter suspended longer and better chance of the filter removing it.

Help with turntable tone arm skidding across record.?

A turntable? how quaint...really, that's great! you might like to try the counterbalance at the other end of the stylus - generally they move forward and backward to act as a cantilever to the stylus. Too far out and it will tend to lift the stylus up and that will create a skipping across the record. Move it towards the center which should place the stylus more firmly into the groove.

How can I tell if I'm in an area with high Ozone concentration?

I'm reading that they are harmful in high concentration. And what compound or product can I use to get rid of it or at least stablize it?

Can we all?

Can all of us on here just refuse to answer any question from a bigot or bible basher. It feels like the loonies are taking over the loony house. They will get fed up then. Or alternativly invade their space.

Replacing an old plater ceiling with new plasterboard?

Hello, im currently trying to take down my bathroom ceiling but am having trouble as the plaster seems to have chicken wire through it. im slowing prizing it away from the joists but its taking ages, has anyone any advice for me? i was hoping that the plaster would be attached to slats of wood that i could rip down, but like i said it seems to have been reinforced with chicken wire . . . .

Is it normal to have?

I usually have periods abut a 30-35 days apart but this time its only been 7 days since i was last on. Is this normal and why could this have happened? thanks

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hey? Changing the rules mid-season?

why why why that is the q afl does testing on rules and stuff at the start why not wait at the end of the season to change the rule

Question about correct English usage. Please see.?

How come there are more results for "almost a year" then "almost an year" on Google? Aren't 'year' and 'hour' counted as starting with a vowel? "almost an hour" gives more results than "almost a hour" as expected but what happens with "almost an year"??

I need help putting you tube stuff on my iPod.?

Alright from youtube I downloaded flv file. Now for iPod Video. I converted the flv file to MPEG4 but it gave me a Reference Memory sys error it said you still want to continue I clicked yes and then the file was really unstable and only partially played on iTunes. Then I decided that .mov files would work. I converted using converted to .mov and iTunes played it fine! But not my iPod. I think .mov might not be playable in iPod. Also I am not really rich so if its my converter thats the problem can someone tell me a good FREE converter. My current one is free because it places its logo in the middle of the video but I dont care about that as long as I can play on my iPod. Please anyone help me.

Strange feeling in my hands?

I'm a 15 year old girl and I've noticed a strange feeling in my hands recently like I can move them but when I do it dosent feel like I'm doing it e.g. If Im tying a knot I can actually tie it but I can't feel myself doing it like I'm watching it but not doing it myself I can still feel texture and heat on my hands but this felling is happening allmost everytime I do anything and I'm really confused please help

Is it possible for a woman to be born barren?

I was watching a movie about a woman who only had one egg left and after she was supposed to have her period, she would lose it. It got me thinking about how you are born with a set number of eggs and you go through menopause after that number is released. So just wondering but is it possible for a girl to be born with no eggs?Another question I have is if a woman becomes barren, does she still have a period?

A plane did not hit the pentagon during the 2001 terrorist attacks! who also thinks this?

not this one again a plane did defiantly crash into the Pentagon there has been enough evidence to prove it how many times do we have to tell people like you

I want to learn a few other languages and I would like some advice. Arabic(Dubai), Hindi(India), French--HELP!?

I'm 13 years old, I already speak english(da!), I also speak Bangla(Bangladesh). I can understand Hindi- basics,dont have the best vocabulary, i can somewhat speak or atleast communicate in hindi(...I did well on my last trip 2 india! A nice old man even said,"ur hindi is very good,guria."! I just want to complete it. I can also READ arabic fluently....i dont understand a w0rd im reading anyway i want to complete learning arabic 2,since im already (almost) halfway through- or atleast I CAN SPELL....^_^! AND i have this inexplicable draw towards FRENCH,,,$0 im going to learn to speak fluent french whether anybody likes it or not!

Help... I want to Remove pubic hair.?

You did not mention if you are male or female. So, this answer applies to you if you are female. If this is your first time getting it done, get it done professionally. It will hurt less, be A LOT quicker and you can get the experience of getting it done right the first time. If you do want to take the risk though, try the Veet wax strips for bikini lines. I am warning you though, since this may be your first time, you will be tense and this may cause you to not remove the hair properly. Going over the same area may cause a few blood drops, and it would sting a bit. This can also cause hair to grow beneath the skin and cause a little bump that is very irritating to grow. Just get it done professionally or by someone else that has had experience it may feel awkward at first but the process will not take longer than 5 minutes! It will be well worth it.

I was wondering if anyone has suggestions on how i could ask my boyfriend out to our high school sadies dance?

Shouldn't it be a given that you'll be going together anyway....what with him being your boyfriend and all...

Newborn Baby with Under-Developed Lungs?

I can't help with the underdeveloped lungs, the hospital should have given you advice on that. But there is not reason he cannot go into the binet for as long as needed. If your daughter is still doing good in a crib keep the baby in the binet for as long as needed or possible. Your daughter is probably wary of the baby because she knows that he is different, realizes that this one is not just visiting!

Costume Ideas for a Halloween Party?

k I'm 15 and a GUY and i'm not sure what to be for my friend's Halloween party. its like the biggest party coming up and im not sure what i want to be. I've thought about being a bear (friends call me JERBEAR) or actually i was going to be hugh hefner and my best bud was goin to be a bunny. haha or the other way around. idk. help please?

I hope someone remember's this song from "around the world in 80 days"?

its from the one of the teaser trailers for it and its really catchy....all I can remember is it goes "bahda bahda bahda bahda demp dumnp boom splet....or the lyrics are something like that. but its from that teaser from the movie and no one knows it. can someone help me?

Is it okay to eat unhealthy cereal like graham oh's for breakfast if you mix it with other cereal?

i usually eat 1/3 cup graham oh's 1/3 cup naturspath flax plus bran flakes and 1/3 cup fiber one original with 1 cup soy milk light. is this okay?

Is that true evangelical pastors or evangelical people preach the Bible by terrofying the people?

by telling them if you are not evangelical, you will go to heaven because you don't receive jesus christ in your heart.. I am not an evangelical.. I am catholic but I hear always pastors or people who want to be pastors in the local park.. to preach the word of God by telling the people if you don't accept christ , you will go to hell.. is that true that?

Is marital separation acceptable under Catholicism even if divorce is not?

In cases when the couple can’t get along. I heard it was fairly common in Catholic countries before divorce became legal

Seriously, why do negative events and positive events cluster together? Even down to meaningless BA's & VN's?

I'm sure there's a name for this theory, but it's because things happen randomly. Random does not equal even distribution. In fact, even distribution is NOT random, but in fact implies an order/reason. So, things might seem clustered when you look at them for a small amount of time, but overall, it gets distributed fairly randomly.

Why does each government do nothing to stop the UK becoming just 12 separate regions of an EU Super State?

The simple answer is to stay in power the Tories have to have the support of the Lib Dems so all that he did say has gone out of the window. Thankyou Mr Glegg.

Spanish help, I can't get this teacher to ease off.?

I don't think my spanish instructer likes me. I'm not using a translator but he insists that I am, despite the fact I've had to gone back and correct my spelling. Typos won't run through a translator. I've also totally mispelt words without realizing it. Is there some problem with grammar that makes it look like I'm using a translator? I've only just started after a month.

Santa Claus is coming?

When my boyfriend was younger he never got Santa presents and this year he is spending Christmas with us... Me and mum are going to do Santa this year and were wondering what to put in a 18yr old boys stocking.....

Reactions to Mike Vick's comments, ATL fans?

In a radio interview, Vick aid he didn't give 100% on and off the field with Atlanta, and he also said he could of played a lot better....

Gluing Perler Beads to Cardboard?

I've made a somewhat large perler bead creation and I'm now wanting to glue it to a piece of cardboard to reinforce it. What type of glue should I use?

Help with cheer stunts!?!?!?!?!!!?

girl i am a cheerleader ill help uu(: aiight so ok u can start with thigh stands or even halfs (if u dont know what that is u can look it up on fb) dont do anything too reckless without supervision (not to sound all grandmotherly) ahaha but yeaaah like everyday, someone on my team gets hurt :( also practice ur backbends so u can do front walkovers or a backbend kickover. hoopee i helpeeed(:

Explain the difference between knowledge and wisdom

i have a clear cut definition but welcome any perspective to reinforce or possibly demolish my beliefs...

Is this a pretty good description of what the Fed is doing now with its trillions in commitments of new credit?

There are other bubbles to create and then they start over. I'm not sure the Credit card bubble has burst, nor the 401K bubble. Also THe social security bubble hasn't come to past yet either. When they run out of bubbles, they will start all over again. DIdn't you tell us these things happen before . During Andrew Jacksons term and in Austria in the turn of the century.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lead Acid battery?

what is the composition used in the lead acid battery used in a standard automobile...... in terms of sulphuric acid and distilled water.... percentage composition???..... had this for a recruitment test today

What do you guys think of this situation? did i do something bad?

well are you still in a relationship with the other man? because if you are then anything would be too much talking to him online is too much but if you are not with another man and just felt like you should get him something and it totald to $200 then thats what happens i don't think you can put a price on what you want to get someone .. who cares if you have the money to do it and your kids are taken care of do what you want but DON'T CHEAT

How do I deal with my mom disliking the genre of music I like?

Just tell your mom the truth dude. Tell her just becuase the band are atheist, it does notmean it will affect you. Take me for example. My favorite band, and has been for six years now, is Muse. The members used to be athiest, now they are agnostic. They have a song called Fury: "And we'll breathe in, cleanse away our sins, and we'll pray, that there is no god, to punish us, and make a fuss". I sing along to all of Muse's songs, including Fury, and I am a devout Catholic! It is up to you to decide what influnces you dude, and your mom ha to relaize that. if your Faith and whatever is strong, then a band wont change that. You should probably confess that you didn't see Demi too. Lol. Anyways, alternative music is always, ALWAYSbetter than pop. haha. Good luck.

Favorite flashy clical piano works?

Hi I'm 13 and grade 7-8 piano so Chopin's �tude Op 25 No 9 (erfly �tude) is the best, flashiest piano piece I have ever heard/learnt it's only 3 pages but if u can master it (like me XD) then yer that'll blow people away it's very fast but u don't have to play it that fast for it to sound impressive and it's relatively easy/quick to learn if u spend some time on it it's roughly about a minute long. Hope I could help :)

Middle school math question: can the number 6 ever be a prime number? Help for my granddaughter please.?

No,it can't ever become a prime number.A prime number is a number that can't be divided by other number excpt 1, The example is 2,3,5,7,...

Is my helix piercing infected?

my helix peircing just started hurting; i pierced it myself about 3 weeks ago and it hasnt hurt until today, DONT SAY IM STUPID, I DID 4 OTHER PIERCINGS MYSELF AND THEY NEEEVEEERRR GOT INFECTED. anyways, i took the helix out yesterday, washed my ear, disinfected the earring and then stuck it back in but half way in i discovered my ear was bleeding; then i realized that the BACK of the ear is a little swollen, should i take the earring out or leave it in? and is this normal, or is it infected? o:

Can US citizens foster Haiti children?

After the earth quake in Haiti, can US citizens foster the Haiti children in need. Like if they need a home for a period of time, Please help me figure this out! I would love to help a Haiti person in need.

Brittle nails break and crack?

my finger nails are thin and break and crack easy. is there a product i can use to strengthen my nails a guy so please no colors thanks

Do you want India to be a Happy Nation or Super Power?

Tata has everything, he can dream for a happy nation. Ordinary people like us dream India as a nation in which commonmen can live with affordable prices for essential commodities and without the influence of politics and corruption in all ways of life. But we know this is only a DREAM

Does anyone know of a no drip nipple that does not flow fast?

I feed my 11 month old daughter and give her bottles sometimes. My problem with her is that she will always shake the bottle around and get milk everywhere! So I went to the store yesterday and thought I found the perfect bottle, nuby non drip vari flo bottles. Well I tested it out, handed her the bottle and she immediately shook the bottle and it did not leak...YAY!! So then she started to suck on the nipple and she just choked on the milk. It came out to fast. The are vari flo, which it states the amount that comes out is based on the suction of your baby. Has anyone had this problem with these ? and does it just take time for your baby to get used to it? Or does anyone know of any non drip that come in different flow stages?

Where can I see Willie Nelson next in concert?

check schedule for the last of the breed concert tour features willie,merl and ray price, this is one great concerti saw them in nashville . what a show,also had asleep at the wheel with them!

This is my first outbreak of genital am i meant to feel so down and out and feel ewww about myself?

With a first outbreak of genital , the person generally gets sick all over. After that, it can be controlled by taking Valtrex, either on a daily basis for prevention, or just when you get outbreaks. The reason you're feeling down and out is because the first outbreak affects your whole system. Once you find out how easy it is to control after this, you will come to terms with it. Believe me, lots of people have this condition, and it's no big deal.

My teacher picks on me all the time!!?

so i have just started my a level (i live in England btw) and one of my subjects is ICT so me my two closest friends are in there so we would work and chat last year was different as the teacher would be more laid back but we all still did all our work and came out with 3 A's which is excellent but this year its different as we have a new teacher whose Malaysian nothing wrong with that but she does like her music she plays it full blast all the time to i can't work. But so my friends talk and work so now they have split us up. and i never got moved or anything in high school and but she treats me differently to the other two. she sat them both with another student and separated me from evyone i wear soemthing differnet and so does my bestie and miss is like nice to her and then moans at me to tae my hat offwhen is non uniform i coughed onceand she was like wt did u say i coughed thats all i did nothing else. But she always picks on me and i don't know y i mean i don't say anything really in cl now except is i ask my bestie how to do something shes like maybe we should move u further away i now hate the lessons and don't know wt to do. Even my friends say she does pick on you a lot.

I think he's stalking me...what do I do?

Sorry if this is long. I used to have a crush on this guy way back when and of course it faded. Turns out he liked me and when he asked me out, I said no because I liked someone else. Then my little crush sort of came back and he found out. Unfortunately, he has a girlfriend now so she found out as well. That's when my feelings for him faded away. However, I remember one time I needed a ride to school because I ran out of gas and really had to turn in an important paper. I called everyone and no one could do it but him. On the ride over, he was driving like a psycho, really jerky, and then told me to never tell his girlfriend that he was giving me a ride. I agreed. Just a few days ago we were texting and I asked him why we never hang out like we used to. He then said, "I don't think (girlfriend's name) would like it," and I said, "What, does she not trust me or something", and he said, "Yeah". He then went onto say, "We can't hang out but we can have fun". Me being naive, I had no idea what he meant by that and even asked what he meant. He asked, "Didn't you want to get with me", and I was shocked. So then I cut off communicating with him and went to school. Well I only have one cl in the evening and that's on Wednesday evening. As I was leaving, I drove in the parking lot and something told me to stay in that aisle though I really wanted to go home. That's right when I saw his girlfriend's car. Of course I recognized it because I remembered what make and model it was, as well as her distinctive license play design, and the ornaments she has hanging from the mirror. Now his girlfriend never went to the same college I go to and already has two degrees. I remember once she told me and my best friend that she's never going back to school. I know that she also lets her boyfriend borrow her car a lot and he goes wherever he wants to go. I also feel like a rotten friend because I never told my best friend this and here I am, had a little crush on her brother, and now I don't know what her brother's intentions are, not do I want to know. Now I think he's following me. Help...please?

Should I be upset with my husband for this?

My husband has decided that he wants to be able to make more money by wroking out of town and only coming hom eon the weekends. He says he does this becasue that location that we are in doesn't pay as well as where he is going and that him working there would allow me to go to graduate school. I just wnat my husband home. I don't care of he makes less money and I am willing to work as well to have enough money. Is there anything wrong with this?

Getting a tourist visa to the Uk from Iraq?

The Visitor Visa requirement says that you must have enough money to sustain yourself in the UK while visiting and not ask for istance from the government. You can apply for a Visitoa href="" rel="nofollow"…/a They only process so many Visas each month and the October quota has been reached. You should be able to apply online beginning November 1st.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Are Alligator Snapping Turtles a Good House Pet?

i have 8 turtles myself and i would have to say absolutely if you can find one ive been trying to buy one for 2 years now if you want a turtle that looks prehistoric and has the best hunting skills out of any turtle then get it the other people on here are idiots it will bite your finger off yeah it could if it was 20 years old and you were stupid enough to put your finger in its face and it will outlive you so what why does that matter it doesn't i would have to say these are the best turtles to get read up more about them and you will see what im talking about

AP moms is this normal?

I had the same problem. We ended up getting a different kind of Py, that took him a few days to get use to, and then he was happy, and sleeping with his py, in his bed, like a big boy.

Size of snowboards?help?

With snowboards you usually want then to come up to the bottom of your chin. this gives you the most control over them and will be best fit for you.

How do you modify a catalytic heater to make it produce more heat?

is it possible to break or poke holes through the catalyst so as to let the propane through and burn an open flame??

Why Too Many Whiners?

You guys dont like the president...we get it already. Why is it the vast majority of people that call Obama some Marxist Communist Antichrist only whine and complain and don't actually take action? McCain would have sucked just as much if was put in office. The only difference would be instead of saying, "lousy democrat" it would be, "he doesn't respresent MY republican party." Change comes from the people, not from a few selected men/women, so isn't it about time to stop the cryfest and actually get involved in national affairs?

Do you think I'm learning fast or not?

If I was you I would keep taking Spanish, actually Tagalog has many words from Spanish, that could help you to learn Spanish faster.

Why do a bunch of people seem to think Degri sucks now?

It's honestly a shame for me, because I have watched Degri since it started and I recently stopped watching it last season. All the chracters are gone. And, the new characters pretty much suck. I'm just not interested in it anymore. I miss the REAL degri crew. Honestly.. they're kind of ruining it more by keeping it on the air. and I think the real degri fans who have watched it from day 1.. would agree with me.

What is a good name for this?

So I'm doing this project (newspaper) on the revolutionary war and I have to make up a name for the newspaper. I've come up with the Bostonian, the New York harold, but I want something really good! Any ideas?

Ladies if you raised a man's children for 5 years?

while he was a POW, sent countless letters to him and forgave him when he had an extramarital affairs, but he divorced you anyway. Would you still see him as a good man and vote for him for president?

1984 GEORGE ORWELL - In What Ways Wan The Party Slogans Express Paradoxes?

A paradox is something that contradicts itself - circular logic. So, the Party slogans - FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, for instance - are paradoxes because they are contradictory. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH is a paradox because knowledge is actually empowering - how can knowledge be a weakness?

10 Points! It's actually really interesting! third person?

It sounds good in third person. The only thing is you need to watch your punctuation, spelling, and tenses. Other than grammatical errors it reads well.

Can you name some reasons to go vegetarian?

You know if this was 5 different post or so, I might have read this. Yahoo Answers isn't the best place to post something that huge. Break it down more to several different post. Its too ahrd to read all that here. Sounds like alot of good information though.

Can someone please explain what the word distribution means in statistics?

This cl I'm taking throws the word distribution around like we should all know what it means. But it doesn't mean simply to distribute something, like handing out candy to someone. I looked it up in a glossary for statistics and the definition umes I understand all kinds of terminology, which I don't. So in simple, easy to understand terms, what does the word distribution mean when one is talking about statistical data and experiments or tests.

How do i get over a girl?

this may seem weird but ive been dating a girl who lives in texas and i live in wisconsin... i kno long ditance relationhips r hard. but weve been making it work for two years.. but shes using this guy down there to get her stuff which is terrible. and she left me for him.. and i kno she isnt happy with him... he didnt graduate hs or isnt going to college. she even told me before we said our goodbyes she wants me and have a family and grow old together, but its not practical.. i loved her so much its crazy.. shed come up here and vistit alot, and id go down here, and i never wanted her to leave my arms... i just cant do this... my love for her is so strong.. just last week she was visiting her gma in arizona and said she ws going bowling.. so i called the bowling alley ad had them play our song.. she texted me saying ull never song just came on and i said let me guess only you can love me this way.. and she said how did u kno? bottom line.. i need some advice... was i toooo sweet and caring? :'(

Do you believe the reason young women seek out abusive men/become promiscuous is because...?

yes and many other problems ranging from wanting to fit in, substance abuse and mental illness. Quite a few come from two parent loving homes. A solution; She has to hit rock bottom come to a realization, theirs a problem, before someone can step in and help. If she's your friend keep talking encourage her to get help.

Can this name be good for a MALE cat?

I really like the name Leony for a male cat, but some people are saying it's a girl's name. However, I know a couple of actual guys that are named Leonardo and their nickname is Leony. When you hear the name Leony, do you picture a male cat or a female cat?

Does this guy like me?

this guy that goes to my school is really cute and he's funny. the first time we ever saw each other was in study hall first he said "You have amazing hair." I said "Thanks" back. After the bell rang to go home i walked down the hall and he kept stepping on the back of my flip flops and then i turned around and saw it was him. when i came to a stop someone pinched my and i looked back (he was walking with my friend who would do that to me) and i saw him and my friend she was grinning and laughing she knew i would accuse him so i slapped them both(kiddingly). The next day he walked with me down the hall telling me a story. The next day after study hall i left a little early to go get my thing really to leave. he came walking down the hall and stopped a few lockers away from mine and said "Is that your locker?" and i said "yea" then i took a few steps and kiddingly i ran back and closed my lock and said "I don't trust you" he ran two my locker and said "noo, i was just going to put this in there" and held up a binder and then walked to my homeroom and he said "is that your homeroom?" and a said "yeaaaa?!?!?" then the next week he sat with me and my friend and we all talked and told stories. On friday he wasn't in study hall and on monday he wasn't there then on tuesday he came in to school with a broken foot! i asked "what happened?" he said it was skate boarding accident> then he asked if i wanted to see his broken foot? i said sure?!?!?!? then the next day he came upstair to where my locker was and stole my review packet and he lost it, but it was o.k. because i didn't need it anyway. The next day in study hall he wrote his B-day in my agenda and i was like "o.k. i'll try to remember." Does this guy like me?

Did the Vatican order the 9-11 attacks?

Yes, but the Illuminati, Masons, Tri-Lateral Commission, KKK, FBI, CIA, KGB, NRA, Federal Reserve Board, BSA, CYA, and I all conspired to help them.

Need HELP! (once again...sorry)?

I really like Carter for a boy. And Carter Michael sounds great! And I also like Logan Michael. Logan is a great name! I do like your girls names a lot! It's funny, I have a best friend named Taryn and my sisters name is Brooke, but you have Brooklyn. I love Kendall! Kendall Madylin sounds simply gorgeous! But I love Brooklyn, too. So for you "children", I would choose Logan Michael and Kendall Madylin. Great names!

Which of the following is the slope of the production function with respect to an input?

a. For any production function of the form y = f(x1,x2,x3,...,xn) where (x1,x2,x3,...,xn) is an n-dimensional vector of input goods, the slope of the production function with respect to any given input 'i' is a, the marginal physical product of the input. Mathematically speaking, this would be represented by the partial derivative df/dxi, where xi is the ith good.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Can anyone explain to go through this physics problem?

A cylinder (with circular ends) and a hemisphere are solid throughout and made from the same material. They are resting on the ground, the cylinder on one of its ends and the hemisphere on its flat side. The weight of each causes the same pressure to act on the ground. The cylinder is 0.500 m high. What is the radius of the hemisphere?

Asian Movies?

theres one that is called Art of the devil, that movie is crazy i think you would not like the disgusting parts. and there is a romance movie that is called stairway to heaven, it's so cute and very sad,you should see it.

If you could only sign 2 of the following MLB Free Agents who would you sign based on your favorite teams?

Prince Fielder. Although I do like the Lyle Overbay signing, the Pirates need another power bat. And Felix Hernandez because we are desperate for starting pitching.

Building my own first computer... Will you double check compatibility?

Hi you can buy a cd/dvd to help you build your own PC from your country try searching for this as a project i had one but since lost it

Correlation between autism and religion?

I have autism and spiritual beliefs. Disabilities in communicating and learning don't have anything to do with a person's opinions. Beliefs are formulated through upbringing and what they're exposed to.

I need a song about a struggle - like vietnam, slavery, civil rights, lynching...?

for my Citizenship Education cl i have to find a song about some sort of struggle - some examples of songs we could choose were a few about the Vietnam war, Slavery / Civil Rights and lynching. i considered "I have a Dream" by Common but i don't think it'll work for this. Any ideas are appreciated!

Biology question - more details...?

If you are doing an experiment where you add disks of beetroot to different concentrations of ethanol at room temperature for 5 minutes and see how much dye is released from each concentration by measuring the colour of the end solution, How would your results be affected if the temperature of the test tubes was lowered by 5 degrees c?

What sport should i be in? dance, gynmastics?

i can do the splits,toetouch, leg lift, backbend, walkover, back handspring(on trampoline), front handspring(on tramp) front flip(on tramp), handstand, gronde, and paroet. but i dont know if i should be i danceteam , gymnastics, or cheer which probably not cuz i dont know cheers. i taught these things to myself but i want to do a sport with it now. what should i do

Will Pres. McCain have to pardon VP Palin during the inauguration to keep her from being arrested?

Lots of frustration tonight from the Obama Camp....and with good reason - much is coming to light - finally. No, such a thing will not happen to Sarah Palin - nice try though. It is more likely that we will have to restrain Obama during the McCain inauguration.

Attention professional painters: can you help me?

I bought a 5 gal bucket of Kilz 2 latex primer. There was no seal under the screw off cap. I used it on an entire room. Whenever I would over lap with the roller it would come up in clumps. And now that it's dry it has little alligator cracks in most of it. I took the bucket back and got a new one. Now what should be my next step? Should I just go over it with the good stuff or try and take it off? And if I should take it off how do I do it and what do I use?

What's your top 5 favorite Bruce Willis movies?

in no specific order ...jus the five i know i enjoyed the most of his films .....death becomes her , sin city , twelve monkeys , beavis and head do america and unbreakable ...............i think he did a great job in all these roles and they show his versatility ..................and sorry i rank them higher than die hard [preferred alan rickman in the first and personally wished they hadnt made sequels]..............also honourable mention goes out for his role as the blubbering father of one of ross gellers students in a few eps of friends ....he knows how to play some bizarre little roles :)

How do I get my gf to kiss me?

hmm ... i totally know what your saying since I'm the same age as you but I'm a girl and have just gotten out of the same situation. Make sure that you give her allot of hints but don't pressure her and try to be comforting and understanding.

Just how short are Satan's days? How much longer does will he have the world under his control?

If you think that you have until the day after tomorrow for Armaggeddon to be upon us you may be wrong. It could be sooner.

One tree hill episodes?

I know that sites like and have like the previous seasons and yeah has the lastest episodes, so my advice try youtube:a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a and type in the episodes you want to see, they'll have them (:

How many heats does a female dog have?

I was wondering how many heats my female will go into in her lifetime, is there a common age when they go into a sort of "menopause" stage and quit having periods?

Are the McCains out of touch with every day people?

Cindy McCain went shopping last week and spent over $500,000 on her American Express and $200,000 on another credit card, at the same time people were struggling in this very crappy depression-high gas prices, falling value of the dollar, losing jobs, can't sell our worthless houses. Seems a tad "let them eat cake-ish."

Comparing & contrasting the tragic hero from Julius Caesar and Antigone HELP PLEASE?

this is HOMEWORK and I'm afraid I don't do HOMEWORK very well.. that is why I never did HOMEWORK.... sorry.

Car accident - who is at fault?

No one here knows. Insurance companies are THE only ones who determine fault for repairs to a vehicle and Police/judges are THE only ones who determine fault for traffic offenses. It is useless to even have others guess at the fault.

Who do you feel is uglier dennis rodman,jay-z, or flavor flav?

and if you didn't answer jay-z why does like if you out of all 3 of these gentleman if you favor jay-z you considered much uglier then any human on the planet even if they are people much uglier is it because of the media

Boy before flower episode 17 instrumental song?

i want to know what's the song when ji hoo and jan di in the school balcony.

Carefresh bedding and distilled water for rats?

Carefresh is fine to use but you should not use distilled water. Distilled water has fluoride in it which is bad for rats and all the minerals are removed.

Kinda gross...I just finished eating a 30.4oz bag of Sour Patch Kids in two days...Any thoughts or concerns?

My tongue is as raw as an uncooked steak right now. I just couldn't stop eating these frickin' things. Typically, I limit my simple carb intake and ingest large amounts of protein due to working out. But, once in a while, I have these severe cravings for simple sugar, especially Sour Patch Kids. Anyone else feel this way???

Christians or others - Why can't religion and spirituality coexist?

I don't believe that the bible dictates dogma. I'm not sure that religion and self awareness are mutually inclusive or exclusive, I think the former and religion calls you a lost soul and a sinner because you won't play by the rules and that makes you dangerous.

The Cask of Amontillado?

How reliable is the narrator of “The Cask of Amontillado,” by Edgar Allan Poe How might a reader’s view of the narrator change if the story were written in third person?

Since you all answer the wrong questions in multitude, what does that tell us about the general?

fire away with the question fella and papa bear will take it by the ears and give you the Divine answer

What do these song lyrics mean?

I think it means that although Anjulie (the artist of this song) doesn't want to get involved with this certain boy, she realizes that her heart is controlling her getting her "caught up in him but she don't wanna". Every encounter with him her heart goes "boom" and she loses more and more control over her emotions/feelings towards him. This is what the lyrics mean to me. I did a dance to this song in dance cl and I began wondering the same thing. Hope that helps! Happy New Year! :)

A Unicorn (German) wind up mantle clock running fast how do I fix it?

I have an old UNICORN (German) wind up mantle clock that runs really fast, have looked in back, there is no + or - no pendulum, how do and where do I adjust it to run slower HELP??? Thanx

Rank these four PFs on the GOAT PFs list?

Malone is the greatest power forward of all time. I don't agree with your four being among the top four. Duncan probably is, but not Nowitzki or Garnett.

Which software is the best and that will help me win the powerball lottery in Florida?

I'm looking for the best lotto software that will predict exact numbers. Which one is the best and closest to it?

Why are america stirring up trouble in south america again?

nazis will be nazis, america funded hitler and brought him to power ,after hitlers defeat to the soviets nazi america harboured tens of thousands of nazis ,instead of sending them for trial

IRL Fans 2010 season.. Do you want Will Power or another driver full time?

I want Penske to sign him to the 3rd ride.. Who do you think would be a great addition to any team?? Any driver it could be a Indy lights driver.

Rosie O'Donnell has gone from the 'Queen of Nice' to a controversial figure?

She first was promoted as a nice, fun-loving person. Then when we all liked her she hit us with a communist sneak attack. "Anyone who owns a gun belongs in jail!," she said. She also hates Mormons, but somehow believes that Muslims will accept her uality.

In your opinion, was I out of line?

I am a child care provider full time. I have a profile on a site that helps match families with local providers. I received an email from a potential employer requesting an in-home interview. I normally conduct all of my interviews in public venues for safety reasons, but I was really wanting this job! I agreed to allow them to come into my home for the interview only after I Googled their name to see what popped up. To my surprise, the name popped up immediately and I was able to see their occupation, which happened to be a very prominent position. Once I was able to get a little info on this person I was more comfortable inviting them into my home. My response to their request for an in-home interview included an inquiry as to whether I had found the correct person on Google. I asked, "you wouldn't happen to work as a **********, would you?" The response was a weary "yes" and acted completely freaked out that I knew that much about them. Now, I'm afraid that they are thinking I'm some weird cyber-stalker, but seriously, I'm not about to just invite you into my house after a few email exchanges! How was I supposed to know for sure what their intentions were? Was it wrong of me to Google my potential employer?

Has anyone ridden the 2009 Nitro fate snowboard? I want to buy it but I havent read any good reviews..?

I want a good board that is good for the park, and had has a good edge. Hold I dont want to be falling in the ice.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do I have anything to worry about?

My boyfriend & I just recently started living together a few months ago. I am 37 weeks pregnant with our son. We will be together for 2 years at the beginning of November. My boyfriend has been having a hard time finding a job & has been getting text messages from this girl he calls Big Bad Mel. She started off with messages trying to see if shee could get physical with him because apparently they were together a long time ago (before him & I met) in that way & she wants him again. He said he sent her messages to let her know he is now taken, happy & having a baby with his girlfriend (which is myself). He has not been very physical with me lately, intimately that is, since I have been in my last month of pregnancy. He says it's because he feels bad about not having a job yet, he's scared something might happen to me during my cesarean since I am on blood thinners from a blood clot in my leg, & he has been feeling sick off & on lately. I feel like I have to push him just to get physical with me when it was not an issue before. I am not normally one to peek on someone's cell phone but I wondered if he was still getting messages from that girl. She has still been sending him messages. Infact they corresponded yesterday. His messages to her are all deleted but the ones from her are still there. He also deletes out the calls out on his phone on a daily basis. It does not seem like they are doing anything but seems odd that he would still be talking to a girl that he slept with before & not saying anything to me about it now. Should I worry because I am at the moment & it's hard because I am an emotional wreck as it is from this pregnancy.

Is hugo chavez a better leader than barack obama?

Lately it seems like maybe he is. Chavez broke off relations with Colombia which is practically run by criminals, (parts of it certainly is) but Obama has ties with them and is in favor of letting the drugs come through the Mexican border.

What is a successful life?

I would call your life successful, especially after being homeless and the challenges in life you faced. I think being successful is based on what the person thinks is. To me it would be if your happy with your life, you have love in your life, and your not low on money lol

What do you think bioshock 2 sea of dreams will be about?

I think obviously it will take place during the present time (going from the teaser trailer) and with those sand castles rising symbolizes that rapture will be on the rise again.

When you go to a Sadie Hawkins dance, is it too informal to get a corsage and boutineer or could I get those?

yea, it's too informal for that. If you want to get something do something clever like their favorite candy or an inside joke, something to let them know you were thinking of them.

What are crown shares?

NEP's interventionist policies - price controls, consumer subsidies, exploration incentives, production taxes and the ***25% crown share*** on federal lands, or "back-in" - were gradually eliminated.

Anyone know where I can get a job working for my lessons in Harrisburg/Hershey/Grantville/… PA?

I am fifteen years old and have been around horses all of my life. I had a job working for my lessons at a local farm from age 11-14. I have experience mucking, turning horses out, helping tack up horses for lessons, grooming, and feeding. My trainer recently moved away and I am now looking for another barn to ride at. I am a hard worker and am willing to do just about ANYTHING. Any help?

Strahms trap in saw 5 (spoilers)?

why did hoffman put strahm in a jigsaw-like trap instead of just killing him? at this point detectives knew that jigsaw did not make inescapable traps- amanda making kerry's and troy's traps.

What do you think of a new addition to my name list [not sure which one] ?

I would say guilty pleasure list. It sounds too much like you're spelling out the word LOVA when you're saying it. I like the name but if you use it Scarlet Elovia is just as nice. :)

Could rings around a planet be formed by a volcanic eruption along its equator powerful enough circle itself?

if a volcanic eruption accures on a planets equator and the blast is powerful enough to expell debries beyond its atmosphere, for a period of time long enough to circle the planet once or twice, is this a possible way for rings to form aroun a plane?

A question on my brother's curiousity?

i'm 18 and my brother's 16... lately I found my brother very curious of my ... like when we go to gym and take showers afterwards, he was like looking at me very obviously... and sometimes when we're at home he asked if he can hold it when I pee... i think he might be gay, what do you think? and what should i do?

I Have Made My Own Definition Of Love ~ Do You Agree ?

Ok webster, you can't use the word in the definition! Lol. IMO, true love is a choice. Too many people mistake it for lust and then wonder why their relationship falls apart when their partner stops having with them. I wake up everyday and CHOOSE to love my husband. If I chose not to, we'd probably be fighting all day. The way you think has the most impact on your friendships & relationships. You fall in love because your compatible with someone, have hobbies and/or other things in common and thru spending time together, you determine you want more of them.

If someone asks you about your relationship with a coworker?

There might be malicious suspicions growing in the eyes of people around you. You see, even how platonic it seems to both of you, others just don't buy it. On the other hand, you could be right. she could be interested with the man herself. You better tell her that he's married.

What do you think of these names?

I like Eveline, Alice, Bella, Eva, Savannah and actually Isabella I like the best because it can be isabella or bella

Torn between two lovers...who should I choose?

is a wonderful thing, but it can be the devils advocate as well.It causes you develope false feelings.I suggest you smarten up and choose someone who can treat you right in and out of bed.What you're doing is honestly childsplay.No disrespect intended.

In the scarlet letter How does the narrator feel about Hester?

The narrator obviously admires Hester. He portrays her as a humble but heroic woman. This is one of my favorite books. I definitely recommend reading and capturing the message of this story. I love her silent regard, strength, and love for her child. I believe she is the only decent adult in the entire story.

I just applyed at harveys and..?

they talked to me for like 5 minutes and then said theyd call me next week for a proper interview, do you think they actuallly will call.

An idea for the DNC?

I have great idea for the DNC. I think they should strip party affiliation of every Clinton support that votes for McCain in this election. Especially since voting Republican is not following with the standards of the party. I think they shouldn't be affiliated with the Democrats if they won't vote for the party. What do you think? Then they might not her able to vote for Hillary again if their state has a closed primary. If you don't vote for your party why should you be allowed to stay in it?

What are some synonyms for special??? (easy 10 points) :]?

i have problems with saying "thats special" like meaning "thats strange" but trying to say it nicer. so yeah what are some synonyms for special?? who ever gets the most (that actually make sense in the way i want to use it) will get the best answer! :]

What should I wear tomorrow?

Ok. So I am a girl just to point that out there. I wanna know what I should wear to school tomorrow. It's suppose to be cold high is about in the 50s low is in the 30s and I was wonderin should I go girly like a dress or nice jeans and nice t-shirt or should I go casual like a guy Harvey shirt and some pants and sperrys?

Xbox Arcade only $199 ? Whats the catch?

do yourself a favor and get a ps3....but if you want another xbox that will break, yes, it will work, points etc are not saved on the system, but on your profile (ms server).

Anyone familiar with "green bin" programs?

The "wheeled" green bins apparently cost far more than other recycle bins. My concern is with the possible widespread theft of these units. Has anyone any knowledge of the degree of pilfering of these bins, where ever these bins are being used?

Isn't it depressing when..?

Goes to show how pop culture is more important to most people. They probably know more about who Brad Pitt is dating then whats in the U.S. Constitution. Sad story.

What bands do you suggest?

Avenged Sevenfold is great but you've probably already heard of them ever since their City of Evil album. Buckethead is great if your into guitar solos cause those are his entire songs. If you like those then great, if not then its probably cause they're a little heavy

If your whole life and reason for breathing is God wouldnt every question somehow be about God?

I mean you could ask how was the movie transformers and one could say it seemed to have a science fiction feel to it...not too much about God in there. Or you could say good triumphs over evil. Some people swear that listening to secular music is bad and should be avoided, but I have heard many speak of God speaking to them through music.

Friday, August 12, 2011


calm down are doing the very best u can..... i got a puppy few months back...and trust me all puppies whine because of new surroundings. Its natural. the other factor which might cause whining is pain. next time when u visit ur vet ask for pain killer ... that might do the trick. you puppy is way too young ..he will for sure grow out of it. one last thing ... when ur puppy gets better please make sure that u start his training right away...(potty training, basic obedience commands etc) . best of luck and starting few weeks are always tough with new puppies which completely test ur patience.. but it gets best after that!

Why cant i download films on ares?

i can download films on ares ok but then when i try watch them i only get audio, i cant see them :s plz help x

Who should I trade to get Verlander?

You are defintely a Tigers fan, like me. uming you don't want to trade away any Tigers to get JV, I'd try Buchholz and Pavano for JV.

Slick Willie Clinton says its better to just p 0bamacare rather than to carefully work out the details.?

There must be an ex-president (ex-vice president) disease of the mind- it's infected Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Billy Clinton in the worst way...

Have i ruined my chance of love?

im a pretty good looking guy, but all the girls think im just a funny guy, thats it, theyll never wanna date me cos they cant take me seirious... do i mature or just give up?

Can I feed my dog freezerburned, thawed beef?

Freezerburned food is safe to eat, it just doesn't taste as good. I feed it to my dogs sometimes, but as the first answerer stated, I usually cut off the worst parts.

Is Hillary greedy?

Yes. Hillary is greedy, but that is one of her better qualities. "Florida_sy" has no room to talk. Your question looks like a compliment compared to the garbage florida_sy posts about Obama. Shame on her.

True and False and Multiple Questions Achievement # 8 u want 10 points well heres your chance to get 10 point

im also compleating the same exam and i got the same answers as the person above, im still finishing the exam though.

Is shaman considered psychic?

From my limited knowledge on psychic, I know that a medium or someone capable of seeing the dead is considered a psychic. What about a shaman or a traditional healer who cured people using spells and others? And if genie exists, are people who can see them considered psychic as well?

What to do when lost contact with original group creator?

I saw there's a post about this stating there's nothing they can do without the original creator. However, my situation is a slightly diff in that I had been promoted to a moderator before we lost contact with the original owner. But I wasn't granted the right to ign another moderator, or revoke moderator privilege for ppl that are no longer in status. I need the ability to ign new moderate, a public one shared by the person who president the org at current time. Will I be able to send an email or whatever to somewhere in Yahoo to accommodate such situation?

This is about me and my girlfriend?

well i know it don't sound long but me and my girlfriend (Chloe) have been together for 2 weeks and 3 days, but yesterday i asked her, "how long do you reckon we would be together, just out of curiousity" then she got all worried then and then she said "why you being all serious" to be honest i feel like i ****** up our relationship, help me please what do i do to get her back

Drum and b???

i just found a brilliant track by high contrast called 'days go by'...and another by pendulum called 'slam'. This is the style of drum and b i like...can anyone suggest any other quality tracks that i might like, im trying to expand my collection but dont know where to start.

Rate or Hate lyrics...No Palm Trees?

Sick, Reminds me of something I would write. Good flow,vocab,flow seems a bit choppy but it's the way you spit it, I guess. 9/10.

"I like flawed characters because somewhere in them i see more of the truth" -nicolas cage?

Well, when there are characters that have imperfections, we can identify with them more. There are NO perfect people, and making imperfect characters makes a story more realistic. I haven't read either play, but I can safely (I hope) ume that by showing that the characters were imperfect, Shakespeare "realized" his plays.

Please please please please?

OK, like why don't you tell him that you would like to get to know him a little bit better first because you are obviously not ready for the physical part yet. Tell him that you do like him but you both need to take it a little bit slower.

Rate my first team ever please?

sp-josh beckett,p- james shields,p- pedro martinez,1b- Dave Ortiz,3b- David Wright,of- eric byrnes,Of- lance berkman, are all great don't get lose any of them! Your biggest strength's in your OF. You need to try to get some better RP. Overall i would say GREAT JOB!

About Shawn marion?

During a basketball game between the Atlanta Hawks and the Phoenix Suns, a jumpball takes place. For about 2.5 seconds, Shawn Marion is confused about scoring sides, and goes after the wrong basket.

How much would a person's Social Security benefits be reduced if they took early retirement at age 60, suggest?

suggested by Dennis Kucinich, D-Oh, a million people retire at age 60, qualify for Soc Sec benefits as if they were 62. How much would a persons social security benefits be reduced if they took the deal?

Do you think FDA should recall contaminated chicken and pork?

The media and the government are trying to make light of the fact that not only has pet food been contaminated from Chinese imports, but now the FDA has announced that pork and chicken that is used for human consumption has been found to be tainted as well. They state that these foods do not make up a large portion of people's diets so they are not going to recall the meat and poultry. Does anyone think this should be recalled? Do you think it's in other things like baby food? Can you believe that the US is going to continue buying food from China? I would love everyone's answers and input.

I want to get an aztec warrior tattoo!!?

i want to get an ancient Aztec tattoo that warriors back in anciet times had i don't want to get tattoo that artists make i want to get a legit one that actually has meaning to it. Plzzzz help me i looked all over i just cant find what im looking for i keep getting designs but not real Aztec jaguar tattoos . thank you so much i would appreciate it if someone can help me out ! =)

AP U.S. History Ch. 1 Multiple Choice Questions- Help!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Cheap money changer in shah alam, Malaysia?

Private money changers will certainly be a wiser choice compared to banks and kiosks at the airport...there are lots of money changers dotted in and around Shah Alam, with the usual 10 am to 10 pm opening hours. Not sure why you picked Shah Alam over more famous tourist attractions but just wanna wish you 'Selamat Datang Ke Malaysia'.

What are the chances of getting sick less often if you take vitamins?

I am doing a statistical study for a cl and I need to know HOW MANY TIMES A YEAR YOU GET SICK and WHETHER OR NOT YOU TAKE VITAMINS. This can include supplements like Airborne that boost your immune system. ;) Thanks!!!!!!

Why do you get an urge to follow God and learn his will?

For one, the bible states God is a loving god. Yet, so many believers practice hate. I follow God b/c he is good, not evil. I don't follow him b/c someone has taught me if I am not for christianity, I am against them (the only way to God). Concluding, I am against God. Therefore, I am scared to question anything a teacher of Christianity or a person of Christianity is telling me. Or, any other religion for that matter. Jesus stated the only way to God is through him, b/c there were a lot of people following the doctrines of a crucifying and false church at that time. His point was I am God's son; I teach from the heart of God not from the hand of man. Follow me and you shall learn the truth not the lies of the church. I don't want to lead anyone the wrong way. But, a lot of times I have witnessed a preacher misinterpret a phrase from the bible. For instance, the debate about technology. A lot of Christians are against technology, but utilize the latest products. There not in the woods hunting for their food and living in caves. Also, one preacher mistakenly stated a barcode was 666 in binary when it actually was 555. Another time was about tiding. The bible phrase was saying about giving to people less fortunate than oneself. However, the preacher only referenced the part about giving. She added, giving to the church. I know in my heart a being of greater good exists and it triumphs over evil. If I don't believe this, then killing children and so forth aren't wrong. Anti-christ will proclaim to be of God, but it is the way he treats people that will give him away. By proclaiming to be God, he can win souls that will perform evil acts on his behalf. Just b/c you proclaim his name and memorize scriptures doesn't mean deep in your heart you love god. You are trying to be saved from suffering. I'm not criticizing any one. I want people to learn the true essence of God, which I have not fully learned. I'm seeking his will by praying for some light in the darkness. I realize some of my beliefs may be wrong. That's why I'm still here on earth. I'm learning. I'm seeking. How are you seeking God if you already know everything? Also, God gave us a brain for a reason so we won't be fooled by the devil. If I want something from you will I show up as the wolf. No, I will show up in sheeps clothing.

Which alkaline earth metal form the most precipitates?

Which alkaline earth metal formed the most precipitates, Calcium or magnesium? And how does it relate to the size of the atom? Please help!!! Thanks. Also they are both in group 2 on the periodic table and calcium has a larger atomic radii.

Do you think Edgar Allen Poes "The Raven" can be compared to a magic eight ball?

I really don't see how, but there is always a way to connect anything. Your question makes me picture the Raven's few words changing to random answers from a magical eight ball though and that's pretty funny.

Where can I find a replacement seat cover for 2004 Ford Lightning? ?

The seat cover is grey suede with black inner trim and has a SVT logo in head rest. I'm just needing the cover since the seat itself is in excellent shape. The original driver side seat cover has a burn and some wear marks in it when i bought the truck.

How do I attach a License Plate to the front of my 2007 Eclipse?

I bought a license plate attachment kit to attach a license tag to the front of my car...we can't figure out how to do it!! We have the bracket and the screws but we can't figure out how to get it on there. The bracket came with screws and they have a rubber backing on them but there isn't a way to attach them to the car. how do we get to the backside of the bumper to attach them? It is crazy!! thanks....please help if you can!!

Does anyone remember seeing a nature programme showing newly hatched turtles being helped to the sea?

The amazing thing was it was either alligators or crocodiles doing the helping, seriously. The gators/crocs were between the newly hatched babies and the shore. The huge creatures were gently picking up the babies in their mouths and putting then down in th sea. No one believes me and i did not imagine it. Have had a quick look on y tube but no joy.

What does it mean if a finch couple removes a lot of nesting material after the eggs are laid??

If there is barley any, sometimes the mom's kill the babies. sad, yes. They threw out the cracked one, becasue it was useless to them. not a surviver of the nest.=[

Do u think i can b a pro?

Im currently playing of 15 and im 16 years old... Im doing GCSEs this year so atm im revising and not playin.. but after my exams i hav got 3 months of golf golf and more golf... IM thinking of going to a University that also deals with golf... My aim is to be playin of scratch by the time im heading for University.. I then want to do an architecture course and play golf.. Do u think its possible for me to turn pro if i work my backside off???

Question in details, check the details?

Metals react with dilute acids and liberate hydrogen gas. What is the limiting reactant when 9 aluminum (Al) atoms and 11 sulfuric acid (H2SO4) molecules are mixed?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Biology confusion.....?

That is why it is called probability. That means if there are 100 blue blocks and 1 red block, it is probable that someone would blindly pick a blue block, but it is possible someone could pick the red block 3 times is a row, even though its not probable. That is why you need a large amount of tests to get a good average that respectively reflects to probability.

What does this movie quote mean?

The day of atonement is a religious day where sinners can make amends for their sins through praying and such, so it probably means that all sinners can be forgiven if they make amends on the day of atonement

What dose this last name mean?

my dads grandmas name is ruvida or i think its spelled rubida i dont know. what nationality is this last name my dads family is made up of:marquez gonzalez and florez but rubida or ruvida never heard of it.

Pls help in filing the sale tax return?

Can any one help me how to file sales tax return because i have arrived net tax payable over output and input tax

Jonas Brothers Merchandise

I live in Australia and i was wondering where i could buy Jonas brothers merchandise from, i don't want to buy it from overseas is there a shop,website in Australia Hugh Jonas Brothers fan

What is a good workout routine to get back into shape?

I haven't worked out regularly since high school (7 years ago) and want to get back into shape. I can still run a few miles and keep up with my sisters but I need a pretty straightforward workout routine to get me used to working out again, thanks!

How many times do you change your baby's diaper a day?

i change my babies diaper every three hours and at feeding times. he is four months old. i use disposible diapers pampers size 1. i throw my diapers in the out side trash. i use a&d original cream after baths.

Now that Obama is falling in the polls what acts of desperation will he come up with?

He could send Hillary out but she hates his damned guts. The press (the media wing of the Democratic Party) has had droves of reporters up in Alaska trying to ferret out some dirt on Palin, to no avail (although they seem curiously uninterested in John Edwards' love child). Obama must be feeling the pressure. What next?

Why. Why must bad people get good things...?

I was playing super smash brothers brawl online the other day. I was playing with anyone. The match started and I was captain falcon. Another player was Lucas. I would be fine with it but what ticked me off was that all he did was sit in the side and use PK fire. Over and over and over and over and over and over! I wanted to RIP MY EYES OUT!! The worst part of it is that he won every time!!! How do I get back at horrible spammers like that??

Isn't it time to move on from the myth of "liberal media"?

Good point about the corporate piece. People on the Left bash FOX for its slanted news programming and people on the Right bash FOX for some of its possibly Left leaning entertainment programming. Meanwhile R M just rakes in the profits. I read a study once about bias in the media, by and large it confirms what you are saying. They people who write the stories are more liberal than average, the editors are pretty centrist to slight right of center, and the publishers are more conservative than average. The study's conclusion was that the different elements within the organization tend to balance each other off. That study is kind of old and looked newspapers. It may be different now with the Internet and so many cable channels. I don't think there is a problem with bias in the media as long as people are aware of the bias and have an opportunity to take in different sources. I like reading from all sides.

Hoover vacuum won't suck brand new...belts are in the right place,hose is free and clear?

it roars really loud and picks nothing up. this is a wind tunnel with bag 2006 model any ideas??? while at it, know anything about psr-530 yamaha midi? it won't get power, might be the converter to ac/dc????thank you in advance

Casinos and BUSINESS PLease AnSwEr?

alright i always wanted to own a casino like the ones on the strip, and than i found out they cost around 4 and 9 billion to start up, so. i always though after i get out of college, 4 to 8 years. i would try to get a job at a casino and work my way up the "chain of command" can someone explain to me what are the jobs in a business in casinos, this may be hard to explain but what would the owner be called, what would the person you call the under boss be called, what would the people under that be called, ceo's, cfo's i want to learn the business terms, if you stayed with the company could you become on the upper end of the owners, i am half asleep and i am doiong a $#it job at explaining but ill try to refine it, what jobs could you get with a good business degree, what are the job names, could you work your way up to have a top job and " roll with the big cat" as they call it, for instance this is just a way of me trying to explain it, but say there was the top 10 jobs at the casino, number 1 was the owners, number 2 was the vice presidents or under bosses and so on, and say you got a job that out of 10 would be a 8 could you work your way up to become a vice president or a under boss, i am only in high school and am just curious and please dont hate or what ever on me cause i am typing this with my eyes closed about to fall asleep so just pretend you understand what im asking. cause you know. i think........yeah.......zzzzz just kinding hahaha

Why is my arm still hurting after having swine flu?

i had swine flu a couple of weeks ago and some of the sympotms included aching muscles but the pain in my arm still hasn't gone away. fix me please : (

Where is North London/ Barnet can I find a good black hair salon?

Google it. It took me 2 minutes to find what your looking for, although the nearest i could find to Barnet is Tottenham, about 8/9 miles away

"Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal?

Because Bush &Co. are a bunch of cheap lying as holes that do not give a damn about our soldiers . All they care about is making money . If they were to give our troops what they need it would cut into the profits they have been making off this dirty little war

Free Crochet Patterns?

This blogger has like the mother lode for links to amigurumi patterns: a href="" rel="nofollow" (including Japanese ones).

Wooly Mammoth Picture Real Or Fake?

It is fake. We have however found Mammoths preserved that well, but that was not one of them. That is a computer rendering. That guy has a hair dryer, LOL. That must be one hell of an extension cord.

Will there be a #650 Pokedex entry when the third Gen5 Pokemon game is released?

yeah, there probably wont be #650, but if Kyurem got a new more powerful form ,like Giratina, it would be pretty intersting. though now im wondering how it would change. Giratina has it's Gresious Orb, so would the new Kyurem have its own item? Or possibly if you had Reshiram and Zekrom with you it would become whole again? It's an interesting concept and im really glad you took the time to share your ideas. Haha now you have me wondering what they'll do next.

Why wont my angelfish move?

We just got a new 55gal tank. We have 1 freshwater angelfish in it as of now. Our test fish, so to speak. Im use to saltwater reef tanks, so this is kinda new to me. My angelfish is acting odd, and maybe this isnt odd for them, i dont no. He is 5months old (guessing by his size) and he is just hanging out in the corner of the tank. There is nothing in the corner,but for some reason he wont move from it. When we put him in at first he explored but after about 2 hours he went to the corner and hasnt really moved for quite sometime. Is this normal? Could it be because the tank is still new? Or maybe cuz he is the only fish in the tank right now? Also I havnt fed him yet (only been 6 hrs) cuz I want him to fully acclimate, but I have him on a diet of tetramin tropical flakes and frozen brine shrimp. This is what the guy at the store told me to get, is this ok? Also I read they do better in pairs, could this be why he is acting this way? HELP!

What branch is best for me?

Ok, well, I can fight really good, I can run fast for a good amount of time, I am a good learner, love school, and Im gonna learn self defense soon, and I am an excellent marksman. another thing: I also like planes and am very interested in the F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon, F-18 Hornet and super Hornet. any ideas of what branch I should go to?

British coin need indentified?

says success to the plouche &fleece on one side and on other it saysthe commerce of britain on side there is scribble as well all responses appreciated

Pet insurance for a older dog?

can anyone tell me what insuance they have and what they like about it? alot of insurence companys say my dogs to old to be covered shes almost 10,thanks

Any ideas on a great punch drink for a housewarming party?!?!?!?!?

I need some help!!!! I'm having a housewarming party and need some "Party Punch" ideas!!!! It can have either Rum or Tequila. I'm thinking something with OJ and or Cranberry juice.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lottery jackpot estimate paradox?

Sounds like a solid argument. How is that paradoxical? Unless you expect us to be surprised by the fact that estimates can be wrong.

How do u get glowing txt lke this?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Does anyone know astronomy? or biology?

All these answers are pretty broad based. However, B.) is your best choice. While it is true that the data has been around for hundreds of years, scientists use advanced technology to verify the information to many degrees of accuracy.

What's the name of this diet?

What's the name of the diet where you don't eat "bad" carbs? It's not Atkins, cause Atkins doesn't allow ANY carbs...

Pregnant? help?

well i kno this sounds stupid..but..some 1 told me that if you worry about being pregnant then you will end up....i have been soo worried & scared the past month baout being it tru if i worry to much it will happen?

This video contains content from National Geographic, who has decided to block it in your country. (Youtube)?

LIKELY, YOU HAVE LET SOMEONE USE YOUR COMPUTER THAT AINT SUPPOSED TO. if a buddy of yours has done so and left a comment, no access for you. if that's not it, your access is flagged because of something stupid YOU did, not where you are from. if you used another person's computer, they are the culprit. folks on this side of the Atlantic Ocean don't get denied access to web sites. they get LOCKED UP. If mature content is in it, might be cause you are a kid. Might be parental controls on it. Maybe you didn't pay your membership. any way you cut it, Canada is NOT the culprit, EH? No way around it unless you wanna have the RMP holla at you under the jail and all the folks on your harddrive, too. THERE IS A WAR ON, FOOL! DON'T GET IT TWISTED.

Are you jealous cuz i will be the one to destroy the covenant and save the human race?

you're the kind of guy that actually has a halo costume....aren't ya? do you answer your phone saying....go for master chief?

Percy Jackson movie fail?

Is it just me or was the Percy Jackson movie RLLY terrible? Well I am one of e pplthats a Percy Jackson BOOK fanatic. I'm sure for someone who hasnt read the books it wouldve been a GREAT movie. But they totally changed out the whole plot! An they Ddnt set it up to where there could be a sequel. 1st they mad percy a highschooler (I personally love Logan though) and they left out the prophecy, thallias tree, and a bunch of other stuff. I know they made it so it wasn't exactly like the book, Mayb because they only wanted to make one movie. I was just expecting something different. AND is anyone kinda scared for the maximum ride movie?? It has great potential an I hope they don't screw it up. I'm also excited for I though. Haha I know the pj movie came our years ago but I just wanted to post this.

Can Anybody Explain This Possible Spiritual Encounter?

well the way you explained it you saw green blue and red,,,,,, thosea re the 3 colours seen with light, the white dots, have happened to me before when i gto dizzy, almost fainting, or gettign up too fast. It could be your eyes,,, something to do with the light getting to your eyes- it gettign dark and all, or even soemthign deeper like a mental isuue- or brain problem...defienlty see a doctor tell him/her everythign and get some tests done-

Images are blurry when cursor hoovers over them in myspace. How do i fix that?

theres a special code that makes the pictures that way .. if it does it for your page you can remove it but if its someone elses they want it like that .. im sorry i can remember what the exact code it though .. it shoud have something like whatevers next to the hover take it out and leave it balnk or put none ..

Looking for a great dane x with a english mastiff thats going to grow to 90kg?

wanting a very large dog that will be 90 kgs or more hoping to find one that is cross between great dane and a english mastiff can anyone help me find a breader that is doing this combination or something similar

Can a Greek and a Filipino have a relationship?

I want to know if a Greek and a Filipino can have a relationship. And if so how can it work out. I have a situation where My girlfriend is in greece visiting family for 2 months, however her family is against me because I am a non-greek. (sounds like that movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding") Now they have taking away her phone I think and sent me a text saying don't call anymore and that she got engaged which I believe is a crock of sh*t. Everyone I know thinks that the whole situation is Rediculous and Stupid. And none believe that she got engaged within a Week and they all laugh about it. I just want to know what I can do to make things work. I love this girl so much and I haven't been able to talk to her and I know deep down inside of her she loves me just as much. She is just so pressured by her family over there. Please someone give me advice. Thanks and I hope to hear positive opinions on this.

Can my pet dog sense that I'm blind?

Okay, so my dog Sadie is very protective of me. She even growls at our Pitbull puppy if she plays too rough with me. So do you think she can sense that I'm blind?

Which girl would you choose?

all of them,:D i like any kind of ppl that are nice to me and nice to others but i love football too.

Pions, Why did Kay get everything she wanted after all the evil she has done?

Kay tormented Charity for 5 years until she drove her out of town, and how come she never got punished for this. She froze Charity in a block of ice, tried to send her to hell, spilled fish guts on the poor girl in her prom, impersonated her and slept with her boyfriend, the list goes on. How could someone as evil as Kay get everything she wanted. Evan Ivy, she was probably worse than Kay and she got what she wanted. Gwen gets arrested in the last episode, but she had never been as evil as these two. I thought that Kay should have ended up with Fox because they were one of my favorite new couples and Miguel should have ended up with Charity, and don't even get me started on Luis and Sheridan, because that was the biggest mistack that they didn't end up together, all those years that I waited for them to get together, and not end up together was a slap in the face, and they even had a child together.

Question about Canada's economy and teaching jobs?

Hi there all Canadian friends. My grandfather was French Canadian. I have never been to Canada even though only few hours away in Pa. I had thought about teaching elementary school there but I am not sure if jobs would be available. I know most of us are getting hit hard by the economy issues. I think Canada a bit lesss than the U.S. I know so many jobs are being taken by illegal immigrants both here in US and in Canada. My ancestors came over years ago legally and had to go through Ellis Island. I think it is a crime that taxpayers are going to be paying for illegals and also giving legals a bad name. Anyway, my real question is, would there be teaching jobs available if I decided to come to Canada. I don't want to take jobs away from Canadian citizens. Please all help from Canadians only so I can get the real scoop. Thanks so much!

Are all woman the same ? Are they all as physcologically damaging.?

No. All women are not psychologically damaging but some can be. So can some men in much the same way. Take more care in choosing a partner next time. I've found that a lot of men are too much in a rush to find someone when they are single and tend to end up with exactly the same type of woman over and over again because they keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Maybe you are meeting them at the wrong place. If you decide to stay with this woman, counseling may help also. They can point out a lot of things you never even considered in regard to yourself, women, and relationships.

What denomination did the late football player and preacher Reggie White belong to?

He was a Baptist minister with his own church. This is why he was called The Minister of Defense. When his church burned down, Packer fans rallied and sent money to help rebuild.

yse this Propaganda poster?

WTF? This is a simple call to arms following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It's a basic US made poster to get men to enlist and support the military response.

What is the PSAT scale out of?

I got my PSAT scores from this past October. I got 132. Is the PSAT out of 160 or 240? Because I dont think I could have scored an actual 132 out of 240! Is it out of 160- b/c then my real PSAT score would be 198... Plz help me!

Do you think the swine flu was a government conspiracy?

My sister has gotten it in her head that the swine flu was something the government could have mistakenly leaked or purposely tested on humans as some sort of weapon to reduce population. She began thinking all of this because of the fact that all of a sudden you don't hear about the Swine flu in the news anymore so suddenly. She went on to mention that if her thoughts were true that the government would use this weapon on the iraqi. And to put the icing on the cake, she thinks that Johnson and Johnson is involved in the conspiracy. You see, they have a few products to prevent the swine flu from going widespread. She thinks it could have been a measure to promote such companies. Is any of this possibly true?

What could a lump in the groin be?

i had a lump come up in my groin yesterday thats very painfull and you can see it though the skin, its sending shooting pains down my leg, and hurts if i lift heavy stuff what could it be

Why do people on YA?

go into the mythology and folklore section when they don't believe any of it, then post answers berating the question, saying none of it is true? Same in religion and spirituality. Debate is fine, but why would you answer a question someone's asked about a dream, telling them it means nothing? Clearly the asker thinks it does means something and is looking for help to understand it. Negative, cynical answers take the fun out of YA.

When will White America be off the Hook for Sins of the Past?

Affirmative action isn't about creating advantage for blacks. It's there to eliminate disadvantage. Blacks people need it. White and asian folks don't need it because they're not at disadvantage.

Poll:Would this quote hold weight with you?

Violence is never a good thing in any case and I'm dam sure life would be better without it, alas some people just cannot help themselves and there will always be caualties of violent wars.

Does it sadden you that child molesters get treated worse in prison than they do by the Catholic church?

Well, the Catholic church used to set a pretty good standard for torture and abuse. Just sayin'. I mean, in prison do the pedophiles get put on a rack or hung by their thumbs or burned at the stake ? Just sayin' that the Catholic church weren't always the ******* that they are now.

Why are endangered or traditional medicines ALWAYS considered also an aphrodisiac?

whenever you anything about people harvesting something endangered or anything used in traditional eastern hollistic medicine, they have their independent claims of different uses they are used for. however, EVERY LAST SINGLE THING endangered and/or used in traditional eastern medicine for reason ALWAYS also are said to be an aphrodisiac. How the heck could people believe that ALL those things are also aphrodisiacs? If ALL of those things are considered aphrodisiacs, then surely the air I breath and plain distilled water must be aphrodisiacs too?!?!?

Anger issues during puberty?

My 11 year old granddaughter has recently started developing and is having really bad moods. She flies off the handle for no apparent reason and has admitted to feeling very angry suddenly several times a day without knowing why. She is worried and very unhappy as to why this is happening to her. I have told her it is probably her hormones as her body is changing but that is no help at all to her and, more to the point, am I correct in this umption? Is there anything Doctors could do to help her at all? Bless her, she really needs some help.

How many times does DNA get copied in meiosis?

DNA is copied once. Four cells come out of it so that each cell has half as many chromosomes as the parent cell. So the daughter cells of a parent with 16 chromosomes would have 8.

Easy good folky songs with these chords only E Em G A D?

Throw a C chord in with that and you can play loads of songs. Have a look on the are literally thousands of songs on there.

What would u think oF a situation like this ...?

girl meets guy in high school and is in love with him but hes not interested till she turns 17 they date..become inseperable...for the next 3 years they have a sometimes voliatile relationship but she idolises him..they move in togehter and she plans to visit family abroad for 8 weeks hes callls whilst abroad and begs her to come home because he misses her few days later they ahve a silly fight and he doesnt call her for a week shes worried its not like him meanwhile shes finding from friends whilst abroad hes pickin up a 17 yr old in his car everynight...he calls her to say theyre finished and hes moving out ..she begs him not to leave her..hes shes sits out the rest of the holiday the day she s home she stupidly arranges to meet an ex for a drink and ends up sleeping with him...they become a couple fir a few munths she becomes pregnant and loses the baby they split...a friend tells her that her ex (one who cheated )wants her back....shes ill about this as its all she wants but its days efter her misscarriage and shes fragile..she meets him they cry he says hes sorry and begs for a 2nd chance...she gives him it and they try again after a day he decides he cant do it its not the same ..shes suicidal...e few weeks p she mees him unexpectidly in a club he says hes sorry and says he made a mistake they go home after the club ..the next day everythings cool...then again says he cant do this...manwhile leaving her beyond words suicidal she rebels by sleeping with a lot of men shes not proud just hurt and lonely ..he still turns up the odd time unanounced drunk at her door usually 3am and she loves him so much she sleeps with him beileves his lies that theyll be ok but wen morning comes he gives her a kiss on the cheek and a ahll see ya..she meets a guy after the club and she thinks im tired of all this ill really give this relationship my all ...theyre goin out for 4 months then she gets pregnant..hes standing by her ....they lose the baby they move in together....she get pregnant again...everythings goes ok she has the baby but not a day goes by she doesnt think or her 1st bf she deams of him in her sleep she loves the bith of them but in diffrent ways...people tell her itll get better with time but its been 3 years and its still hard...i know he treated her bad but shes cant stop thinking of him hes with somone else now and has been for the last 3 years he cheats on her too...what im askin is how can i get over this or will i EVER GET OVER THIS ..?

Am I drinking too much?

So I recently moved to germany and since I came here about 6 months ago I've been drinking a lot more than I did before. I usually drink one beer per day (.5 liters) during the week and then often get drunk on the weekend at party's and clubs etc. My weekend drunk ranges from about 5 drinks to 10 or more. The main reason I get pretty drunk is so I can talk to girls because when I'm sober I'm very shy around them and seldom know what to say, but when I'm drunk I can talk to a girl for hours and carry on a good conversation. I also used to smoke weed pretty much every day before I moved here and now I haven't smoked since i got here.

How was denying the vote to non-home owners justified in Northern Ireland?

In the days when those in Northern Ireland who did not own homes, the vast majority of them Catholics, were denied the vote, how was this justified by the authorities? Presumably there must have been some statement or official answer for this, and/or the issue must have been raised at some point? What kind of things were said?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Valence bond theory question?

Iodine (I2) dissolves in an aqueous solution of iodide ions (I-) to give the triiodie ion (I3-) This ion consists of one iodine atom bonded to two others. Can anyone describe the bonding of I3- in terms of valence bond theory?

What is this style of art called?

On the album cover of the Arcade Fire album "Funeral", (artwork by Tracy Maurice) what is that old-looking style of filigree called? Does it have a specific name?

Why did they do that to me? i didnt like it?

pretty much every year since i was six years old i have been ually hared by different people and no i am not lying. my mother would work a lot so when i was 6-9 she put me in a night/daycare. i never told her what went on at the daycare but i know i should have.they would touch me in places that i just completely hated and all the girls had to bathe together so during the bath they would touch me in areas that i didn't even feel comfortable touching. when it was time to sleep one of the boys sunk into the room i slept in would finger me almost evey other night. then soon i became to old for night/daycare which made me very happy and i though i was finally free from that mess.but then i started middle school. i had to work as a library aide along with this other girl and 3 other guys. things were boring and normal at first but then after 2 or 3 weeks that's when the freaky stuff started happening. the 2 eighth grade boys would touch my legs when we sat at the table to do homework or they would sneak up behind me and whisper dirty things in my ear. and i was thinking here we go again! then one day the Liberian asked 2 people to come with her to help carry some things. which left me and the other eighth grader(btw i was in seventh grade) as soon they left he grabbed me by my arm and told me that he wanted me and to not tell anyone what he was about to do to me. and at that moment i got terrified lucky a teacher walked in for some apparent reason and caught him. we almost got in trouble for pda but he was a like i get it you two like each other don't you just do not do it here. i was like what the heck that's not at all what was going on here. then after that day he never touched me again neither did the other eighth grader. a year later which is now and im in my last year of middle school. now i am sitting here wondering why they did what they did to me because i do not see myself as a attractive person but something must have attracted them to me for this to happen to me every year since i was six years old. and no i don't where slutty clothes i do not even where makeup. can someone give me and explanation.

Can someone paraphrase each line in this Keats Italian Sonnet?

The poem is "On First Looking into Chapman's Homer." George Chapman was a British author whose works included translations into English of the ancient Greek poet Homer. Keats says, in essence, "I've read a lot of great literature, and I've often heard praise of Homer's work, but I never really got how great Homer was until I read him in Chapman's translation. The excitement that I felt as I discovered Homer's greatness was like the excitement an astronomer must feel as he discovers a new planet, or that an explorer must feel when he sees a new ocean for the first time." (Keats makes a mistake in line 11. The explorer he's thinking of is Balboa, not Cortez.)

New motor vs. rebuilt motor?

I have a 96 honda prelude vtec (engine is 2.2 liter, h22a model) the engine has 170k on it and it runs decently. The vtec kicks in good but I am hearing alot of engine noise, like tapping and just weird noises in general. I have had problems with its idle since I bought it and have tried lots of things to fix it. I just feel like if i want to keep this car for a while that it might be time for a new motor. I have pulled engines before (i used to have a 89 toyota supra turbo) and was wondering if It would be more cost effective and still be reliable for me to pull the engine myself and have it taken to a machine shop to have it rebuilt? I know there are many variables for the cost of this but is there a ballpark price? I ume that If i was to pull the engine that would be a good time to replace the clutch (which needs to be done anyway) but are there any other small to medium performance upgrades that would be good to get done while its out?

Do you think I should become a muslim for my girlfriend?

My girlfriend is a muslim and won't kiss me for a whole day after I eat bacon. I am dead serious, I was also like WTF the first time. Now I eat it just to antagonize her, even though it is the greatest stuff ever. She also has a fast for 30 days or something and she can't kiss me or anything during that period. She is so serious about me as well, but I would have to convert to muslimism. I dont think I can wear dresses, give up bacon, grow a beard, wear a silly hat, pray 5 times a day to mohammed or whatever. I really like her, she bangs pretty good. But this muslimism is making me resent her. What should I do?

Don't you miss JBL character a little bit since he gone?

I dont miss his ring ability but enjoyed his storylines I find it strange not looking at JBL being in every storyline and then losing quiet funny.

What are some things to get for his birthday?

It is my boyfriends 21st birthday on the ninth of november and it is also our 4 month anniversary. He's not really into sports and we live together and are very intimate already so that wouldnt really mean much. We go out and make supper regularily and im underage so i ant drink with him... I want to make a gift basket wth 21 things in it. So far i have 21 hershey kisses, 21 caramels, 21 resons why i love him, 21 fizz candies, and 21 chocolate cupcakes. what else can i put in it i need 16 more things ASAP!

Hotel in Bangkok Thailand. The Peninsula Bangkok Thailand. Is this a good hotel in Bangkok?

It's not just a good hotel in Bangkok, it's one of the best hotels anywhere in the world. It was ranked the best hotel in the world a few years ago by Travel and Leisure Magazine and is still consistently rated among the top ten hotels in the world. I live in Bangkok and have no need to stay in hotels, but a couple of friends who have stayed there have said it's the best hotel they've ever stayed in. The Peninsula and the Oriental are considered by many to be the top two hotels in Bangkok.

How to lose lower body fat?

You can't loose fat from a specified part of the body. Your body uses fat from all over the body. Eat healthy and do push ups. Instead of walking on the treadmill, jog. It burns more fat and is good for the body. Cut junk foods and drink lots of water.

Quilts to donate to soldiers?

Whne i was in 9th grade our art club made a hand made quilt to donate to soldiers. Now that i am a senior i would like to do this again with the art club. Is there a specific organization i could talk to about donating the quilts? I would really appreciate your help since im not quite sure how to handle it o get it to them...ty

Is it better for America to support Islamic Fundamentalist or Arab Nationalist Governments in the Middle East?

We shouldn't support any nation that is hostile to us. Whether they are one or the other the main point is do they have friendly relations and do they cooperate with us internationally.

How would Marvin Harrison do with the vikings?

i hope they sign him,if think he still has alot left in the tank,imagine it,Peterson,Berrian,Harvin,Shiancoe,C.Ta… likey),and possibly Harrison

Is anyone else heartbroken that Heath Ledger won't be in the next Batman flick?

OMG mr markwill whatever! Heath's role as the joker did not lead to his death! Everyone knows that! IT was an ACCIDENTAL overdose. Gosh. ANyways I think they should stop the batman series cause NO movioe will evr top that one. none. ever. I mean the joker i s THE villian of all Batman's arch nemesis so they should just go out with a bang and leave it there. they shouldnt even try to get another joker cause that would be overkill.

What is my friend's deal? Can anyone explain what is up with his behavior?

It sounds like the best quality times with this person are behind you. A little perspective and maturity on his part wouldn't go amiss, but it would seem for your own sanity and happiness, you should keep him in the past and let him go.

How many actual egg cells (capable of being fertilized) are produced by meiosis in humans?

meiosis produces 4 cells, but apparently, the answer to this question is 1...i don't get it, how come? Why can't the other 3 become fertilized egg cells?

Is it wrong to laugh at a guy who always picked on his wife's weight issues...?

haha.. no, because she deserved it for being a fat@.,s,s!! and she SHOULD THANK HIM, for pushing her to lose weight... and buy him a few cases of beer.. hahaha

Creating template in AutoCAD?

I want to create a template in autoCAD 2007. I want it to be a title block that I can load in layout space so that it can be reused for all my drawings..... how do I do this??? Auto cad "help" isn't too helpful

Chronicles of Narnia Party ideas?

narnia party cool. idk i have only seen the frist one. just decorate your house in white with candles lit up. haave different themes in diff rooms for eg. a snow room and a dark old room(the wardrobe room)., and the beaver house room. for food have snow cones, ice cream, and what ever party food you like. have people dress up in costumes, that will be good. narnia theme dress up. play party games of what ever you like like karaoke, take pictures(poses), play music loud, and just sit around and talk and dance. The costumes will make your party great like the narnia theme more than the decorations trust me. good luck!!

How did you start/get into a rock band and how is it going so far?

Go to your local instrument shop. They will probably have an advertising board with ads from local bands looking for musicians and from musicians wanting tp form bands.

Good Netural eyeshadow palettes!?

I really need some good neutral everyday eyeshadow palettes/trios/quads ect. Peferably really cheap (elf, Wnw...)

A question for all those that say they're in love?

When u still get erflies in ur tummy even though u've been dating 4 quite some while, u get anxious 2 see them, smile more than usual, even at the mention of their name, when u cant stand 2 b fighting with them, all sorts of things......

Are the shadow, anima/animus and the persona parts of the ego?

I've been listening to podcasts about the ideas of Carl Jung. My question concerns Jung's model of the phsyche. Where are the shadow, the anima or animus and the persona? Are they in the ego or the conscious (these things are the same aren't they?) or are they in the personal unconscious or perhaps the collective unconscious?

Starting a non-profit ?

In starting a non-profit, if I want to incorporate it, do I choose a form from among the legal forms like LLC, S-Corp, etc., or is there a separate type of non-profit corporation. This is in Michigan.

How do you solve (tan(pi/2 - x)* cscx ) / csc^2x ??? PLEASE HELP and explain how to get the answer! thanks!?

the answer is cosx but i dont know how to get the answer...!! please help me understand! please & thanku!

Is it worth me seeing a dietician?

Seeing the dietician can't hurt, and may have some information for you that is useful, plus with the rebat why not? I say go, because there's no such thing as too much information. You just may learn something useful!

How to get my Dwarf Gourami to be nice to other fish?

Fish are like people, if they just dont like something theres no way you can persuade them or teach them to enjoy it. Honestly, I think you should leave this fish in his own tank and let him be because if you've tried this numerous times, then clearly hes not the type of fish to get a long with others. That's never a bad thing though, that mean's hes dependant on himself and likes his own property :P I just think you should leave the fish by itself and hope for the best.

Disabled looking for an opinion?

You need someone to look at what it is you signed. You may have signed a doent that says you will never ask anything more of Otis and that it prevents you from being hired by them even with accommodations. Or it could be they would demand you return the financial compensation first. Only a lawyer who looks at your actual doents will be able to offer you any help.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to sponsor someone from bangladesh to uk for a visit and what is required as evidence?

yes thats easy you can sponser your partner on a spouse visa you will need bank statements wageslips,tenency agreements and a good soliciter

How can one have a less materialistic lifestyle and still gain knowledge of cultural differences elsewhere?

I have been researching anti-consumerism, and I recognize that driving less or not at all is a good move, but I am unsure how one can gain the knowledge of other civilizations without a certain expenditure on transport-say, to another continent. If it were not for our exploration of other regions, we would not be aware of many technologies or ideas. In today's world, how does one go about taking a trip to a region not accesible by foot or non-car transport? And does the anti-consumerist viewpoint even encourage such travel?

Correlation coefficients?

Maybe the information in this link: a href="" rel="nofollow" can help you clarify your doubt.

What is a paradox in Life of Pi?

I'm trying to find a direct quotation for a paradox in the book Life of Pi. I'm not looking for themes that seems like paradoxes, but instead looking for quote like "This is the beginning of the end" (which isn't in the book but is an example). Please include page number in any answers! Thank you!

Why is the U.S. Coast Guard taking food to a Carnival Cruise Ship stranded at sea for only a few days?

The Coast Guard is taking shipments of spam, pop tarts and other food to the Carnival Cruise Ship stranded off Mexico because of a fire aboard. A cruise ship buffet can feed a Mexican village for weeks. They should have lots of various canned and fresh goods in their pantries. Is this some attempt by the Coast Guard to look exciting? Will the cruise line (or its insurance) reimburse the government for the cost of the operation and the food? Do the Care packages include martini olives and Stoli?

Where can I find a roxy DEFAULT myspace layout. With the logo.?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think this is weird?

Is it weird that i find Amish men really hot. like I mean super y. I loved how they do everything without technology. My friends keep making fun of me and say stuff like "eww their beards" "ugg they don't have a sense in fashion" but i don't really care because i think that they are super good looking. Im being totally serious. is this weird? maybe a phase that i am going through?

What are some brands of Cute Athletic Shoes?

I am looking for some cute athletic shoes--they need to be comfy, but I'll mostly be wearing them for walking around, so they don't need to be gym shoes, per se. Any ideas of brands and where to buy them? I'd like something trendy and colorful. I usually like Pumas, but I don't really like anything they have right now...

IPhone 3G Question...?

my family and i, consisting of 3 phones altogether, have a chance to upgrade on 10/20. i was considering the iPhone 3G, now that's it's only $199. (my parent's wanted free phones) our current plan is 550 minutes for the whole family, we don't talk that much, and i have a separate $15 texing plan just for me. if we upgrade and get another two year plan, how much would the iPhone cost? and is the $30 data plan optional? thanks.

Home stereo speakers?

I am replacing my Advent home stereo speakers .... and would like to know some quailty speakers to replace them with.

Why does everyone think the economy is the President's responsibility?

Excellent question and the answers you get for the most part will be so stupid that you will be sorry you even posted. This election may be decided by the most ignorant, uninformed group of voters that ever participated in an election

What's so bad about Bruno?

I haven't seen it either, but I've heard things. I've heard it's actually pretty funny (like Borat was). The thing about it is, it seems kinda dumb. I mean faking a gay lisp is always gonna be funny, but I couldn't take an hour and half of it. It also doesn't help that people qoute the movie like they made it themselves. It's probably not that bad, people just fall into the hype...or they're s

How Can i get high wifout drugs?

Well first off why would you want to get high. It is just stupid. And i have seen people get high off of sniffing sharpies.

People to People Ambador Program? O.o?

Does anyone know anything about dis program? Lke do i hve to pay for the trip ? How do you get recommend to dis program ? Do they send out the same letter to you every year or is it lke a once and a life time chance? O.o