Thursday, August 11, 2011

Casinos and BUSINESS PLease AnSwEr?

alright i always wanted to own a casino like the ones on the strip, and than i found out they cost around 4 and 9 billion to start up, so. i always though after i get out of college, 4 to 8 years. i would try to get a job at a casino and work my way up the "chain of command" can someone explain to me what are the jobs in a business in casinos, this may be hard to explain but what would the owner be called, what would the person you call the under boss be called, what would the people under that be called, ceo's, cfo's i want to learn the business terms, if you stayed with the company could you become on the upper end of the owners, i am half asleep and i am doiong a $#it job at explaining but ill try to refine it, what jobs could you get with a good business degree, what are the job names, could you work your way up to have a top job and " roll with the big cat" as they call it, for instance this is just a way of me trying to explain it, but say there was the top 10 jobs at the casino, number 1 was the owners, number 2 was the vice presidents or under bosses and so on, and say you got a job that out of 10 would be a 8 could you work your way up to become a vice president or a under boss, i am only in high school and am just curious and please dont hate or what ever on me cause i am typing this with my eyes closed about to fall asleep so just pretend you understand what im asking. cause you know. i think........yeah.......zzzzz just kinding hahaha

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